Monday, July 22, 2013

Pumpkin bread craving

Wow, I know I think I fell off the face of the planet! I have been so busy with life and all the crazy changes that have taken place that I've not been able to blog in so long.

Well here is a brief synopsis of my life changes that have caused my absence...

My daughter is growing up too fast and very demanding of my time.

We moved my sick grandmother in with us to help take care of her.

We bought a house.

We got a new dog (who is crazy wild).

Oh and last but not least...I'm pregnant!

This has been a crazy year for us and with the new addition coming to our family in January of 2014 I'm sure its going to be an even more crazy year to come.

I'm still getting past the morning sickness faze and trying to get back to feeling some kind of normal. Throwing up this morning doesn't help.

But now I'm craving pumpkin bread muffins... And don't feel like baking them at all. Ahhh story of my life.


Well hopefully this will not be a random post with no follow up... I'll try to write and post pics soon.