Friday, October 4, 2013

how little mom actually knows...


This has been me a lot lately. If it wasn't for Google I would have no idea what to tell my daughter half the time. She asks some really good questions what is it in Glue that makes it stick? and Why does rubber bounce. I can give her a general idea of why it does what it does...but she wants details, details, details!

I love being a mommy...and I especially love being a HOMESCHOOLING MOMMY!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Felt Fall Leaf and Pumpkin Garland

Fall Leaf and Pumpkin Garland

With the Fall Season here in South Texas you can't really get into the season very well without a little help from some fall decorations. We don't grow pumpkins, we don't have cool weather (it's like mild summer here in the 80's and 90's) and the sweaters and jackets are tucked safely away in the back of the closet for at least another month (or two) falling leaves and pretty orange pumpkins are a must to get you into the season.

So, DD and I decided to make the season come alive at home. 

I grabbed my Sizzix die cutter and my fall leaf die and cut out 42 different fall colored felt leaves and 10 yellow (didn't have any more orange felt) pumpkins and decided to teach my daughter how to hand sew!

We started with learning to thread the needle and then we discovered patterns and repetition. We (tried) to stick to the same pattern all the way through (then realized mommy didn't cut enough burgundy leaves).
DD learned to weave the needle in and out and to change the direction from the leaves facing UP, DOWN and SIDEWAYS! (Always a new lesson to learn)


a beautiful 6ft fall leaf and pumpkin garland to grace our dining room window. The great things is that this can be done with felt, paper, store bought leaves, or construction paper cut by hand by your own children. USE YOUR IMAGINATION AND LET IT RUN WILD!

I know this will grace our walls for years to come and every year my DD and I will be able to remember making such a great (easy) and fun craft for our home.

Enjoy Homeschooling!

Homeschooling for Pre-K

My Homeschool Closet

FALL 2013 Preschool (Homeschooling)

Ok, so Pre-K isn't so's all about learning the simple things in life, ABC and 123 and such...but their are so many more things in life to learn that I'm excited about. Things like, why the sky is blue, what are the seasons of the year and my personal the words of my daughter, "when it rains are clouds peeing on us?" (PRICELESS!)

So, on September 16th we start the fall season of homeschooling for DD's Pre-K. We started with a lot of the ABC and 123. Most of which she already knew...

Fall Leaf Alphabet Matching Game

Her lesson plan for this semester was

  • Memory Verses (1 per month)
  • Bible Reading (the Eager Reader BIBLE)
  • Math - Basics of 123 etc. with adding in telling time, reading the calendar etc.
  • Alphabets-ABC...
  • Sight Words - DOLCH sight words for Pre-K
  • Unit Study- Changes monthly depending on the lesson plan
  • and a weekly, daily or monthly CRAFT depending on my ability at the time.

So, far Memory Verses and Bible have been the most constant, because even on busy days, like shopping days and doctor's appointments with great-grandma, we are still able to wake up in the morning and go over our memory verse and read a few pages in her BIBLE.

Although going through the Sight Words, proved to be more difficult than I had imagined. I discovered that I could write the word "AND" in all capitals and she could read it...however, if I wrote the word "and" in lowercase, she was drawing a blank. So...sight words are put on hold for a little bit till we work on Capital and Lowercase letters for a bit.

I have to admit that is one of the things that I love about homeschooling...the curriculum can be customized to fit the individual child's needs and not what fits the state standards.

The Unit studies have been the most fun in my and DD's opinion. in September we studied the weather starting with Wind, Clouds, Rain and the Sun. We made Wind Socks, Cotton ball clouds and colored coloring pages. It was a blast...and I learned a lot as well. My daughter really grasped the concept of Evaporation and now when I'm cooking she knows that heating up the water makes steam which is evaporation. (Amazing for a 4 year old...IMHO!)

This month we are learning about the different Seasons and focusing on the season of Fall.

Fall Leaf Garland (Learning to Hand Sew)
Fall Leaf Garland (Learning to Hand Sew)

Candy Corn Popsicle Sticks

"My Fall Book" With Fall Leaves mailed
to us From Colorado.

November we will be learning all about Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims and Indians.

And then in December we will be learning about Christ's Birth.

As I'm sure you can tell I'm totally excited about school work and love being able to see my daughter light up as she learns something new every day.

 DON'T GET ME WRONG! Not every day is a barrel of sunshine! We have rough days...days she doesn't want to color, or write out her alphabet...but the good days outweigh the bad and we are getting their little by little. Check out my Instagram link on the side to see some of the pictures from the lessons and crafts that we have done as well as my Homeschool Pinterest board to see what has inspired me to do more with my little girl!

Have fun homeschooling!

Turned off the tv and found out my daughter had an imagination.

We have been the world's worst when it comes to TV watching. For years, the first thing we have done waking up in the morning is to turn on the TV and even had it on while going to sleep at night. Now that my grandmother is living with us, her obsession with HGTV has overrun the living room and the whole house...compounded with the fact that her hearing isn't so good and the volume is really loud has made me go a little insane.

Growing up in a homeschool family, we NEVER had the TV on in the house during the day...we woke up, snuggled with mom in bed for a bit, did our chores, eat breakfast and lunch (cooked lunch for dad's lunch break) and then did schoolwork or some kind of homeschool activity in the afternoon. Then when dad got home from work...the news came on and if we were lucky, we got to watch a family show in the evening time. Not till my little sister came along did we have the TV on during the day...and that something like teletubbies or some other kids show.

Now that we have started homeschooling my dear daughter this past month, the TV has become quite a big problem in the house. We even had to ask my grandmother to go to her room to watch her one millionth time watching the same show on HGTV (can you tell I'm totally burned out on 

The first few days and even week were really rough, DD asked to watch her shows almost non-stop. finally we had to start telling her it was a privilege not a right to watch tv. A few rough days and all of a sudden and miracle daughter discovered, she had an IMAGINATION!!!!

She now is playing in her room with her toys, making up games with her dolls and begging for me to play doll house with her. It has been so refreshing to have a 4 year old who actually wants to play instead of stare at the TV and vegg out all day.

Don't get me wrong, I love Disney Junior and all their adorable shows. My daughters favorite right now id Doc McStuffins. However, when all the TV shows are out of her brain...she has actually started to use her brain and I'm LOVING IT!

I hope this trend continues and she becomes even more independant of the "Boob-Tube" and uses that creativity for something productive.

Now, when she wakes up the morning she tells me "Mom, TV rots your brain!" And I can't help but laugh and agree!!!