Thursday, October 3, 2013

Turned off the tv and found out my daughter had an imagination.

We have been the world's worst when it comes to TV watching. For years, the first thing we have done waking up in the morning is to turn on the TV and even had it on while going to sleep at night. Now that my grandmother is living with us, her obsession with HGTV has overrun the living room and the whole house...compounded with the fact that her hearing isn't so good and the volume is really loud has made me go a little insane.

Growing up in a homeschool family, we NEVER had the TV on in the house during the day...we woke up, snuggled with mom in bed for a bit, did our chores, eat breakfast and lunch (cooked lunch for dad's lunch break) and then did schoolwork or some kind of homeschool activity in the afternoon. Then when dad got home from work...the news came on and if we were lucky, we got to watch a family show in the evening time. Not till my little sister came along did we have the TV on during the day...and that something like teletubbies or some other kids show.

Now that we have started homeschooling my dear daughter this past month, the TV has become quite a big problem in the house. We even had to ask my grandmother to go to her room to watch her one millionth time watching the same show on HGTV (can you tell I'm totally burned out on 

The first few days and even week were really rough, DD asked to watch her shows almost non-stop. finally we had to start telling her it was a privilege not a right to watch tv. A few rough days and all of a sudden and miracle daughter discovered, she had an IMAGINATION!!!!

She now is playing in her room with her toys, making up games with her dolls and begging for me to play doll house with her. It has been so refreshing to have a 4 year old who actually wants to play instead of stare at the TV and vegg out all day.

Don't get me wrong, I love Disney Junior and all their adorable shows. My daughters favorite right now id Doc McStuffins. However, when all the TV shows are out of her brain...she has actually started to use her brain and I'm LOVING IT!

I hope this trend continues and she becomes even more independant of the "Boob-Tube" and uses that creativity for something productive.

Now, when she wakes up the morning she tells me "Mom, TV rots your brain!" And I can't help but laugh and agree!!!

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