Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daddy eat my cookie...Pineapple coconut bread/cake.

This morning started out like any other morning...we got up as a family, my dear husband made us some PB&J sandwiches for breakfast. However, my daughter asked if she could have the last sugar cookie...I don't normally let her have sweets for breakfast, but we all had been eating them up and I figured she had better get one before they were all gone (she hadn't had many of them since they were made). So, I said "Yes!" But she had to eat her breakfast first. So like a good little girl she put the container with the cookie in it, back in the kitchen and even told her daddy that she was going to eat a cookie after she eat breakfast. 
My Sweet girl eat and asked if she could have her cookie now...I said yes. However, my husband had a deer in the headlights look...HE HAD EATEN HER COOKIE! He obviously wasn't paying attention when she told him she was going to eat the cookie and he gobbled it up with his cup of coffee. Daddy obviously felt aweful that he eat her cookie, so I told her we would make something good to eat later to replace the cookie she lost. So I went hunting for a recipe that I could make with the self rising flour I had just bought on a whim at the grocery store the other day. 
This started out as a pineapple cheddar cheese bread recipe I found on but cheese and pineapple didn't sound good to I replaced it with coconut and made a few adjustments.

Coconut Pineapple Coffee Cake.

2 cups Self Rising Flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 can pineapple (I used chunks, but you can also use crushed) (JUICE INCLUDED)
2 eggs
2 tablespoons oil (I used coconut oil)
1/2 cup sweetened coconut
1/4 tsp salt

Preheat oven to 350

Sift together SRFlour, sugar and salt. In a separate bowl mix pineapple and juice, eggs and oil. Poor wet ingredients into the dry ingredients mix till well combined. Add sweetened coconut and mix a little more to incorporate.

Poor into a cake pan or 9x3 greased bread pan.

Bake at 350 for 1 hr.

*Before baking any kind of bread, muffins etc. I usually sprinkle a little sugar on top...I sprinkled coconut and sugar on top of this cake before baking it...the coconut and sugar make an amazing crunchy sweetness to the top. I also sprinkled some powdered sugar over it before it cooled off out of the oven.

My husband described it as pineapple banana started out as a bread recipe but to me it turned into  simi-sweet coffee cake that was just right and very moist. It was a big hit with the family tonight after dinner.

Other than the hour baking time...this took no time at all to make and was super yummy.

SO thanks to Daddy eating my daughter's cookie, I now have an amazing, easy cake recipe to take to bake sales and dinner parties, as well as a quick cake to make for evening dinners. I can't wait to try it tomorrow morning with a cup of coffee!


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