Monday, November 19, 2012

God works in His own timing

My family recently sold their house which has been on the market for over 2 years. It has been a planned move for quite sometime and a desire of our hearts to be in the Hill Country of Texas. For the past 2 years since my father's brain injury it has been a winding road that God has laid out for them.

I am so excited about the new adventure in my family's life... But I can't help but feel a little sad at the thought of my family living 300 miles away , when my whole life they have been just around the corner.

I pray that the Lord blesses them on this new adventure and works out a new pathways for my family and I to be able to have the desires of our hearts as well.

the Lord knows where we're supposed to go and when were supposed to get there until the Lord removes his hand from our circumstances that allows us to move in his perfect timing we will just have to take mini road trips to the hill country to see my family.

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