Friday, November 23, 2012

The Ghost of Turkey's Past

The Ghost of Turkey Past.

By Christy Pohler, Jamie, Erin & Linda Chase

    'Twas the day of Thanksgiving and all through the house
    not a creature was hungry and no one would rouse.
    The turkey was wrapped in foil without fear
    And knowing that leftovers would soon disappear.

    The family passed out on the couches and beds
    While players of football smashed in their heads.
    Ma' in her sweat pants and my buttons snapped,
    I slipped off to my room for an afternoon nap.

    While Ma' tucked away the last dinner platter
    My team is now losing so the game doesn't matter.

    Off to dreamland I flew like a flash
    Into Turkey coma I quickly crashed.
    Heaped mashed potatoes mounded like snow,
    I should not have had that last spoonful I know.

   When what to my wandering dreams should appear.
    But the ghost of a turkey drinking a beer.

    With a shriveled old waddle
    And a sharp pointed beak.
    He pointed at me, 
    "Its you that I seek!".
    As fierce as an eagle he waddled my way 
    My spine turned to jelly when he called me by name.
    "My cousin, my uncle, my great grandpa Jim, 
    My mother, my sister and most of my kin.

    From the breast to the gizzard
    From the great to the small, 
    You killed them.
    You cooked them.
    You ate them all!

    We planned our escape.
    We tried hard to fly.
    We couldn't get airborne
    and we're doomed to die. 

    To your axes and appetites I lost all I knew.
    Now how would you feel if this happened to you?"
    A turn in my tummy I felt I might heave,
    Ghost turkey exclaimed, "That's my cousin Steve!"

    I grew remorseful regretting my deeds. 
    "Great turkey, forgive me,"  I fervently plead!
    "I swear from this moment, when my tummy does growl,
    I'll curb all my urges from murder most fowl.

    My fine feathered friends are safe now I swear 
    Next holiday come I'll find different fair." 
    With a nod of his head and a sip from his bottle, 
    Out of my dreams the ghost turkey did waddle.

    In a sweat drenched panic I woke with a start. 
    A moment was needed to calm racing heart.
    Washing my face and combing my hair, 
    I gathered myself and walked down the stairs. 

    I entered the kitchen; room now in my belly. 
    With a craving for stuffing and cranberry jelly. 
    Ma's getting out turkey, "You want some, Sam?"
    I replied with a grimace, "I'll stick with HAM!"

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