Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Baby Bear's Birthday

As some may have read on my bio information I have two beautiful daughters. One living, Betsy who is going to be 3 in a week and my little Angel Baby Bear who turned 4 this past Saturday.

Since my precious little girl was still born and now lives in heaven, July 28th is always one of the hardest days of the year (Christmas without her a close second)...and each year we have tried to do something little and special to remember our little cherub...this year was really hard for some reason...I guess it's because of the age. She would have been at such a great age to do so many thing and start so many new adventures.

My dear husband was so great at helping me get through this bitter sweet day by doing something that he really doesn't like doing...going to the beach.
He isn't a very outdoorsy kind of guy and he really can't stand the sand sticking to him so this was a big deal for him to take me on a whim like he did.

But I got to write her name in the sand and get my mind off the longing in my arms and heart to hold my sweet girl again.

What an amazing and wonderful man I have been blessed with.

Read more about Baby Bear and our Baby Bear's Blankets at the link below.


Great Moments as a MOMMY!

Great moments as a mommy: Giving my daughter her fridge letters last night for the first time (she is now old enough to not try and eat them or leave them where I can step on them...OUCH!) While doing dishes last night she would ask me what each letter and number was and what animal started with the letter...talk about a mind teaser on some of them...NOT SO GREAT MOMENT: Digging through her bed right now trying to get every piece out so she would stop playing with them and take her nap!!! I LOVE BEING A MOMMY!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Birthday Wishes

It was a long but hard and wonderful day. I don't know if it was the excitement of getting to spend my B-day night crafting with my mom and sisters or if it was purely just weirdness but I couldn't sleep last night. I went to bed at 11 and woke up at 1 feeling like I had slept all night...when I realized it had been just a few hours and the sun was not going to come up any minuet...I decided to go Blog Trolling for paper crafts. I ended up doing that till 4 am and then tossing and turning in bed till 5....We had plans for B-day breakfast so we got up at 7 and eat at Denny's. I did get a nap finally at around 3 but I still feel exhausted...so this is going to be a short  post tonight. I'm really hoping that before school starts in  a little over a month I'll be able to finish some of my tutorials that I have started and not been able to finish.

Till I am able to post them here is a book mark for my MOPS group that I have been working on for a craft/activity.


A Mother's Love Bookmark
**Have the mothers cut out and write a special scripture regarding motherhood, or a prayer for there children to keep in there bibles or books.

NOTE: Thank you to Shabby Princess for the backgrounds, the graphics are not my own and I do not claime them as my own...please visit www.ShabbyPrincess.com for more freebie and paid graphics and backgrounds for personal use.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So tomorrow is my FIRST ANNUAL 29th BIRTHDAY! (lol) And I wanted to celebrate by sharing a cool craft I've been doing lately. Below is my birthday gift to you. A free download for my rainbow birthday theme.

Click here for Rainbow Party Favor Box
Click here for Rainbow Party Favor Box with 29!
Click here for Rainbow Banner Page 1
Click here for Rainbow Banner Page 2

The banner above is the one that Betsy (she had help) made for me for my B-day! What a proud momma! LOL!

Hope you enjoy and I look forward to sharing more paper crafts with you as I make them!

Till then...

**Disclaimer: The template was created by hand, however the images and clip art are google search and downloaded materials. I do not claim them as my own, nor am I selling them as such. Just a freebie to enjoy!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Eating Blogs!!!!

Well I will say that its been a long two weeks and I have been so happy crafting away getting ready for this MOPs Craft show and tell...but it seams like my idiot smart phone has been eating my blogs. I have two blogs that i created on my phone and are now gone...so in that frustration...I'm going to see if this works and try again.

Here goes nothing!

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Chillies Raspberry Margareta

Peter and I went to chillies on the 4th of July for a date and lucky me...I got to try out there signature Margarita with raspberry. It was simply divine and I wish I had a picture of it...but two Margarita's in and I wasn't thinking clear enough ahead to take one...lol

But at target today my dear husband decided to grab me a drink and found this. I have to admit its pretty close. Add a little tequila to the Simply Lemonade with raspberry and put some sugar on the rim and your good to go.

Ill have to get a bigger bottle next time and try it out.

Till then...Enjoy!

posted from Bloggeroid