Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So tomorrow is my FIRST ANNUAL 29th BIRTHDAY! (lol) And I wanted to celebrate by sharing a cool craft I've been doing lately. Below is my birthday gift to you. A free download for my rainbow birthday theme.

Click here for Rainbow Party Favor Box
Click here for Rainbow Party Favor Box with 29!
Click here for Rainbow Banner Page 1
Click here for Rainbow Banner Page 2

The banner above is the one that Betsy (she had help) made for me for my B-day! What a proud momma! LOL!

Hope you enjoy and I look forward to sharing more paper crafts with you as I make them!

Till then...

**Disclaimer: The template was created by hand, however the images and clip art are google search and downloaded materials. I do not claim them as my own, nor am I selling them as such. Just a freebie to enjoy!

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