Thursday, July 12, 2012

Birthday Wishes

It was a long but hard and wonderful day. I don't know if it was the excitement of getting to spend my B-day night crafting with my mom and sisters or if it was purely just weirdness but I couldn't sleep last night. I went to bed at 11 and woke up at 1 feeling like I had slept all night...when I realized it had been just a few hours and the sun was not going to come up any minuet...I decided to go Blog Trolling for paper crafts. I ended up doing that till 4 am and then tossing and turning in bed till 5....We had plans for B-day breakfast so we got up at 7 and eat at Denny's. I did get a nap finally at around 3 but I still feel this is going to be a short  post tonight. I'm really hoping that before school starts in  a little over a month I'll be able to finish some of my tutorials that I have started and not been able to finish.

Till I am able to post them here is a book mark for my MOPS group that I have been working on for a craft/activity.


A Mother's Love Bookmark
**Have the mothers cut out and write a special scripture regarding motherhood, or a prayer for there children to keep in there bibles or books.

NOTE: Thank you to Shabby Princess for the backgrounds, the graphics are not my own and I do not claime them as my own...please visit for more freebie and paid graphics and backgrounds for personal use.

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