Thursday, October 4, 2012

Houston quilt show...ideas ideas

Crooked Sister: ADORN=Amazing

I've been looking everywhere for the best either wristlet or hip bag. So far I have found a few ideas for making my own...which would be perfect if not for my crazy schedule. I've been trying to play catch up from the last two weeks of being sick and then down at my parents  for the funeral. My floors are a mess, there are piles of laundry and I have no energy to clean any of it.

I'm so emotionally exhausted that I just can't bring myself to do anything other than the basics. (Dishes and cooking...well and keeping Betsy from destroying the house.) I also got news that God has made a way to get me to the Houston Quilt Show with my mother, which I'm super excited about. I have yet to go to any of the big quilt shows...other than the local one that comes every year. I've heard really good things about the show.  I'm in the market for an embroidery machine and can't wait to check out the booths and see what they have there.

I'm hoping that I can make a nice easy to keep with me wristlet or hip bag for the long walking and shopping ahead of me in Houston. I can't wait to see what it all is like.

Check out the link above, so far this is one of the best I've found that matches my needs.


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