Thursday, October 4, 2012

One more reason to get to heaven!

Our entire world was turned upside down this past weekend when a dear friend of ours was killed. She was the kind of person who made you want to be just like her. She had her own gravity ...she would walk in the room and people would instantly be drawn to her.

I don't think its my place to say how, or what, or who...all I can say is that this world lost a light that shone brighter than any other, the day we lost her. She leaves behind 3 sons and a family that is grieving there precious daughter, sister, niece and friends who feel a loss that has left a gaping hole in their hearts!

We will never forget the friendship, laughter, jokes, and memories that she gave us in the short 29 years she was here.

Please pray for the family, friends and children left behind.

And my dear friend...please hug Baby Bear for me in heaven!

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