Thursday, September 27, 2012

Pop Box Video With Templates

Good Morning!

So my internal alarm clock woke me up at 2:30 this morning and even two melatonin could not get me back to I got up and started to YouTube and Pinterest a little to pass the time till I could do something productive!656739
I found this amazing die that looks totaly awesome for my Sizzix...but at $39.99 and on sale at $23.99 its a little out of my price range for just a cute little box.

SO in looking further I found this tutorial video from   and just love it! I actually prefer this one because I think I like the fact that it has the 4 un-folded sides to place photos or Christmas/Holiday greetings on it!

I think that this will be my next project to make before Christmas!

Also, check out her blog where you can find the FREE printable PDF templates to give it a try yourself!

Now I just need to go find a rubber band and print my templates!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Folded Paper Wreath-Re-Do

Folded Paper 

Wreath-Re DO!

Original Folded Paper Wreath Tutorial

I found this awesome tutorial on making a folded paper wreath...check out the link here

The tutorial shows that the wreath is made with red and green cut pieces of paper, however I had a bunch of scrap pages left laying around from last simester and so I thought I would try it out a little different. I made the same wreath with standard copy/print paper (I even up-cycled old school papers from last semester.)

You need: 12 - 8.5x11pieces of paper

  1. Fold the page length way in half
  2. Then fold the long rectangle in half again
  3. With the open end facing up (away from you) fold the corners down (see the example picture below)
  4. Then fold the paper in half again with the "Triangle" facing in. This differs a little from the tutorial linked above because instead of only folding the page in half once you are going to have more layers and in the end a little bit thicker wreath.
  5. When you have folded all 12 pieces, stick the "Triangle" ends into the open centers of the next piece...keep doing this till all the ends are together and stick the first piece to the last piece.
Step No. 3-4

Step No. 5
Alternative Paper Wreath with 8.5x11 pages and 12 pieces

Add caption
With this wreath you can use up all those old pices of paper laying around and make a cute wreath form to decorate the house with. You could paint, staple, hot glue and generally DOLL UP the wreath with any seasons decor!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Easy and fun children's crafts

Betsy has been asking me almost every morning to "Do some Crapts" (aka crafts)...this was an easy craft that we did for her "Grammy" as a present.

One of the things I have come to realize is that taking a few minutes out of each day to sit down and forget about dishes and laundry and all the other things that take up the day and focus on Betsy for at least half an hour to get her creativity started, helps to give her a better day. So we have started doing crafts in the morning after breakfast to be able to get the day started off right.

She loved making these easy Christmas bunting/banner and it showed me how much she has really advanced in hand eye coordination and in being able to sit down and focus on the task.

I used my sizzix big shot and my new Christmas Tree Die to cut out 6 trees, and I had pre-cut card stock strips which we glued them onto  with regular white glue. To make it easier on her we put a little glue on a plate and handed her a  Q-tip to apply the glue to the tree cut out. She then used the Q-tip to apply glue to the front with cute sound effects "Bloop-Bloop" as she dabbed glue onto the front and then "Shakey-shakey" with the glitter to add some "Sprklys" to it!

Betsy had a blast making these and when Grammy came over she  dragged her to the wall where they were hanging to dry so that she could show off her handy work!
I think we will be making many more of these in the next few weeks as Christmas presents for the family! (Shhhhhh don't tell them!)

We had fun and I hope you take a few minutes out of each day to enjoy some time with your little ones and make these lovely little banners!


Monday, September 17, 2012

A Broken Bread Machine and Fresh Baked Bread!

I have finally started to find my Groove in the house hold chores and routine.

I have been really busy trying to keep the house clean and do all the crafts that I am just itching to do. Here is what I have figured out for my weekly schedule...
Monday: Clean the house from top to bottom
Tuesday: Craft/Sew and start on some laundry and ironing.
Wednesday: MOPS crafts/getting ready for church and light cleaning around the house
Thursday: Fun day with Betsy (at the park or something) till Choir practice
Friday: Laundry and light cleaning with fun night with Peter

:) HA HA HA!!!

Today was busy busy....My lazy bones daughter sat around and watched Mickey Mouse all day while I cleaned I'm going to have to run her hard tomorrow to make up for the lazy-ness today.

We ran out of bread in the house last night and I had been itching to make some for quite some time. I finally got to it and even though I had a few bumps in the a broken bread machine and 3 different containers of Yeast that I had to test and see if it was still any still turned out AWESOME!

I ended up making two French breads and one loaf of half wheat/white bread that tasted simply heavenly.
I did try to make some Honey Butter...but it turned out a little strange. Anyone have some good flavored butter recipes? I would love to check them out...leave them in the comments or leave a link to your favorite recipes!

Thanks so much,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Give thanks with a grateful heart!

I'm so grateful that God let our A/C break on some of the cooler days of this season. Today is the hottest we have had with it 95°. I called the landlord and he has a guy coming to look at the unit. The last time was 2 nights ago and it was cool and windy that night.

I have a banner in my living room that says "Give thanks with a grateful heart". That has been something that has been resonating within me for a while. I am to be grateful for everything that God has given me...even the things like not so hot of days when my A/C is broken...and a used (yet very nice) color printer given to us for free at the exact time that our old one finally used the last of the tonner (that still worked, not all of them worked.)

I remembered the other day the perfect timing that God gave us after we had just lost our first born and I was recovering from the c/section. Our house had been on the market for 9 months prior to us selling it...the time we needed to the very day that I would be fully recovered from my surgery and in need of a new adventure to help me deal with the loss if our precious little one.

On the last day of my 6 weeks recovery I decided to clean my house from top to bottom. And not 30 min after getting done my realtor called and had an interested buyer to look at the house. It sold with in two days after that and we were finally ready to move on to the next faze of our life and learning to live without our little one.

Even though that was the worst time of my life...I was selling my childhood home...mourning my precious little girl and yet he was watching over every detail of my life and laying out the perfect timing for Evey move and every step that I take.

Thank God everyday for what he has done to make your life the miracle that it is. Even thank Him for broken air-conditioning!


posted from Bloggeroid

Monday, September 3, 2012

One of those days...

One of Those Days!
Labor Day 2012

Its been one of those days in the house. DH was off work for labor day...DD was home driving me crazy and doing everything she could to get into trouble.

I did get some of the crafting done that I had planned on but it was not an enjoyable time because every few minutes was something else blowing up around here.

I'm glad that the day is over! I'm heading off to bed as soon as I get this blog posted.

I wanted to show you all some of the little things I was doing today.

A new friend of mine, is moving away :( and some of us are planning a going away party for her and her family. So I decided to start making some napkin rings and cutlery sets for the party....with a theme of blues and white (Blue Skies ahead...) I started out making ovals out of cardstock and stamping "Best Wishes" and "Good Luck"...then working my way to the ring itself, I cut an 8.5x11 sheet of dark blue card stock (on the 8.5 side) int 1" strips. I stamped the 1" strips with my favorite "squigle" stamp and began wraping forks and napkins together....this brought me back to my Waitress days wrapping soup spouns at the end of my shifts....ahhhh memories!

Well, I got a whole backet done  and gave up...there should be a lot more people there, but I don't think I'm going to have the "staying power" to wrap that many forks and napkins.

I also worked on another "Give Thanks" Mini Banner. I'm totaly in love with my Gold Distressing Ink remix...I simply use an old slightly dried out Gold Ink pad and rub it along the edges for that "aged" or "distressed" look that lots of people pay big bucks to get...I use an old ink pad from a freebie I got along time ago.

Well, hope that your labor day was more succesful and restful than mine...I definatly "Labored" on my labor day!

Till I see you again, ENJOY!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Walking, talking and chalking

It was a beautiful evening outside tonight. The September sky was lit up and the breeze was blowing...and an earlier rain left it cool and not muggy...a rare thing in south Texas.

Betsy decided it was time to use her sidewalk we colored and played for a while before taking a long walk.

She is growing up so fast that I feel like I have blinked and she went from being a baby to a snot nosed kid.
one of my favorite things to do when the whether starts to cool off is go for long walks. Its such a rare thing to have such a beautiful evening like this that I think everyone had the same idea...people were wailking there dogs, families were bbqing and children were playing in the was almost like a real neighborhood.

I'm glad that I got this chance to have a peaceful evening with my family...because the rest of the long weekend if going to be full of busy events and lots of going...

Happy labor day ya'll and Enjoy!

posted from Bloggeroid