Monday, September 3, 2012

One of those days...

One of Those Days!
Labor Day 2012

Its been one of those days in the house. DH was off work for labor day...DD was home driving me crazy and doing everything she could to get into trouble.

I did get some of the crafting done that I had planned on but it was not an enjoyable time because every few minutes was something else blowing up around here.

I'm glad that the day is over! I'm heading off to bed as soon as I get this blog posted.

I wanted to show you all some of the little things I was doing today.

A new friend of mine, is moving away :( and some of us are planning a going away party for her and her family. So I decided to start making some napkin rings and cutlery sets for the party....with a theme of blues and white (Blue Skies ahead...) I started out making ovals out of cardstock and stamping "Best Wishes" and "Good Luck"...then working my way to the ring itself, I cut an 8.5x11 sheet of dark blue card stock (on the 8.5 side) int 1" strips. I stamped the 1" strips with my favorite "squigle" stamp and began wraping forks and napkins together....this brought me back to my Waitress days wrapping soup spouns at the end of my shifts....ahhhh memories!

Well, I got a whole backet done  and gave up...there should be a lot more people there, but I don't think I'm going to have the "staying power" to wrap that many forks and napkins.

I also worked on another "Give Thanks" Mini Banner. I'm totaly in love with my Gold Distressing Ink remix...I simply use an old slightly dried out Gold Ink pad and rub it along the edges for that "aged" or "distressed" look that lots of people pay big bucks to get...I use an old ink pad from a freebie I got along time ago.

Well, hope that your labor day was more succesful and restful than mine...I definatly "Labored" on my labor day!

Till I see you again, ENJOY!

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