Saturday, August 25, 2012

Crazy days

Its been one if those weeks. I was determined to clean every inch of the apartment and keep it clean so I could finally craft without guilt...however dear daughter had other ideas about what it was she wanted from me.

She was a total terror this week and made it almost impossible to get anything done. But we muddled through and got more cleaned in these past five days than I have for a who year.

I have what I like to call crafters guilt. It is a condition that causes crafting women to put off the real desire to Craft and create because there is some kind of cleaning/cooking/child rearing to do before crafts can be started....I think I have it pretty bad. I refuse to pull out the "hard core" crafts till I know everything is done or I feel incredible guilty about my lack of completion...even though I would much rather be doing hand embroidery than dishes.

Sigh...but this Friday my wonderful mother and sisters said they would take the little angel spawn of mine off my hands for an evening so dear husband and I could have a date night. I was in desperate need of some alone time with DH after the many late night crying and the little ones talk of "spooky " Owl-Vacume cleaners.

Irritating -ly my wonderful spawn decided that the day that she was going to go to Grammys house was the day she would be a saint....she listened and obeyed ...for the most part...and let me get a ton of cleaning done.

My house is almost completely clean!!!! Its a miracle!

Now if I can keep it clean ill be able to beat the disease of Crafters Guilt this next week and maybe get a head start on Christmas presents. (Fingers crossed!)

Now if I can keep my precious little one from reverting back into the crazed 3 year old monster again this coming week should be really fun!!!!

Starting with a new project I started tonight of embroidering a fall/Thanksgiving wall quilt! Ill post pictures soon as I get it out of the hoop and viewable!

Till then Enjoy!

posted from Bloggeroid

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