Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pinterest cleaning solution tip

I've been seeing a lot of pins on Pinterest about a cleaning solution of dish soap and vinegar to clean tubs and sinks.

Well I have a dingy tub...and dish soap and vinegar...so I tried it's!

The main ingredients are
Dawn Original dish soap and plain white vinegar.

Most if the time I see it in a spray bottle of some sort, but not having one on hand I just used an old glass jar because I didn't measure the 1to1 ratio...I'm terrible about just "eye balling it" that it had a little too much vinegar so it was too liquid and not enough jell consistency.

But I tried it on two places a ceramic topped stove...
And my tub!

I have a hard time with my stove top because it is really finiky about what can be used to clean it...but I usually use 409 or just soap and water. As you can see I have a lot of burnt on stuff.

RESULTS : A bust! It did get off the slightest bit of burnt on stuff from dinner last night but the old stains are still there.

So I tried the tub...

BEFORE- Just a little dingy...can't see it in the pic that well.
This is the before
And the during...

Dawn and Vinegar on the tub, sat for close to 4 hours.

And after...


You can see where it sat and really brightens the tub to almost new condition. It says to let it sit for an hour but I let it sit longer, almost 4hrs. (Got busy with dinner)
But all I had to do was rub it down with water and a rag and DONE!

I'm for sure going to get a spray bottle and do my sinks and the walls and doors of the shower. I'm so glad it worked because I HATE scrubbing tubs!

posted from Bloggeroid

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