Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Noisy Neighbor

I don't know what they are doing over there, but I'm ready to move because of my "Noisy Neighbors". My poor little girl can't seam to sleep or even take a nap in the afternoon because they are constantly playing some kind of loud noise or another. I know they must have surround sound in there living room because every weekend and now most afternoons they are rocking out to what sounds like Techno. Don't get me wrong...I love to have my music up while doing dishes and cleaning the house and I can't blame them for wanting to jam out in the afternoons or early evenings for that matter...but my GOD! 1 or 2 in the morning is reserved for quite time and sleeping not jamming out to the latest Nirvana CD or turning up the base on your suround sound system to watch a horror movie.

I finally broke down and called the land-lord...I can't handle having my whole day and night ruined because my 2 year old can't sleep and is a total mess because of it.

I'm really not sure what else I can do with a noise complain in the middle of the day but either way I'm fed up!

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