Monday, August 6, 2012

No TV...clean house?

Due to recent financial issues we as a family have had to really tighten up the belt and end some of the frills to save money. One of those things was Dish Network. We have lived with out satalite TV before...when Betsy was a baby we only had Netflix and a roku for all of our tv and we did just was after we moved to this apartment 2years ago that we got satalite and have become dependant on it...however this past two weeks without it has been really amazing!

I never realized how much TV we watch and time we wasted in front of the boob-tube...we have Netflix streaming and hulu which I use to catch up on a lot of my shows I don't want to miss ...but all the other silly time wasting shows are gone and I find that my time has been better spent because of it.

I actually got to cleaning and re organizing the shelves in the living room today. Something I had been planning on doing all summer long.

Though I do feel like I've done dishes about 100 times today it is nice to be on top of the chores and cleaning around here...not to mention guilt free craft time without the nagging feeling in the back of my head saying I should be cleaning instead of crafting!

Am I the only one who gets that way...?

Well anyways its looking much better around here and I feel so much better because of it!

What is the one thing that you've been planning to clean and never get to it?

Have a great night. Enjoy!

posted from Bloggeroid

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