Saturday, June 9, 2012

Fritata from Averie

Its not cooked yet, but I took this idea from one of my favorite cooking blogs Averie. She made a spicy spinach fritata with red pepper flakes...i skipped that part and used some chili powder seasoning mix I had, to add a little spice...but not too much heat. Its kooking right now and smells good...i cant wait till its all done and I can eat. Ill post a picture of the end results later and let you know how it came out.

Mine has:
Dehydrated spinach and carrots (rehydrate together in a coffee cup with a little water in the micro)
Fresh, green onions and stems, red bell pepper, cilantro, salt and pepper, 6 eggs beat, with a little milk for fluff, and cheese...and the chilly pepper seasoning.

Photo: Veggie fritata So, it turned out really good. A friend of mine was eating with us and went back for seconds and thirds.

It was really good, so try it out!!!

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