Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Vbs mountain scene.

VBS decorating is in full swing this week and I'm exhausted...but also having fun! The best part has been getting to create the crafts that have been rolling around in my head for a while.

For some reason my laptop was on the fritz tonight so I'm posting tonight from my phone, hopefully I'll be able to add better pictures to this later on...
The mountain top scene was taken from a clip art picture from the vbs theme. So finally...8hrs, a ton of staples, and several tons of butcher paper later...i had this...

I wasn't able to finish the other walls because I was so tired...but I did get some banners and decorations done.
One of my favorite plans were for fun foam banners that have the Vbs daily themes of, peace, power, riches, hope and love...not in that order. Lol

After I finished these banners it was time to clean up and go home...but I have a full day tomorrow to finish up the other walls and more decor. Ill post the tutorial on the banners as soon as I can.

posted from Bloggeroid

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