Monday, June 25, 2012

Heat Wave!

Wow, so on the news this morning I saw the temp was going to get up to 101 degres today and a chance to get to 103 deg tomorrow. GESHHHHHHH! But that is Texas for you.

So I went online to check out some new popcycle recipe ideas. I don't have all the ingredients for this one...but boy does it look yummy....

Check out the Blog for the details and the recipe below! If you try it let me know how it soon as I can get a chance to have a moment away from my Dear Daughter (when my Hubby comes home from work) I might go to the store and get the stuff to make remindes me of the coconut pops I used to get in the summer whenever my sister and I would walk down to the local gas station about 3 blocks away....yummmm!

I'm sure as I type this Betsy will be getting up from her long nap this afternoon, so no chance of me catching any shut eye, since I spent the whole nap time sewing away at a practice outfit for Betsy's Leggend of Korra outfit for the Anime Con we are going to next month... I took lots of pics so I'll post them in the next blog.

Till then...Enjoy!
Coconut Pop from Smile Monster's Blog

1 14oz can of lite coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup sugar
6oz of whole milk
instead of milk and sugar use sweetened condensed milk.

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