Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Morning Mean Green

Well its day two of my juicing trial. I'm glad to say that I was a good girl last night at my father-in-laws birthday party.

I did have some of the coconut cake...but I drank my juice for dinner. I didn't like that one as much because I put two lemons for extra juice...but instead it was extra TART!

Today's mean green was much better!!!
It has:
2cellery stalks
5-6 stalks of kale
1handfull of cilantro
1green apple
7-8 large leaf spinach leafs and stems
1stem of mint...meaning 3-4 little leafs from one stem.
1 lemon

I think the mint was subtle but added a little extra flavor that was missing in the others.

I was really surprised last night because I wasn't very hungry and I am always hungry right before bed...especially the sweet tooth! I have a bad habit of eating a whole king-size chocolate bar right before bed. But last night I was on the computer and took a shower before bed....and then realized I wasn't hungry again.
Things I've learned since last night: 1. Only 1lemon per batch!!!! 2. I need to add mint to my herb garden.

If I can find room next to my basil tree...yes that is one LARGE basil plant!

Till next time...Enjoy!

posted from Bloggeroid

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