Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My mean green juicing machine.

My new baby has arived!!!

Not an actual one...but my Breville Juicer came in the mail today which makes me so happy.

I watched the movie "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead" a while ago which really made a huge impact on me and Peter! Since my back injury 4 years ago and the re-injury last summer I have been putting so much weight on and lost so much muscle strength because of being laid up in bed or spending months in a wheelchair.

I'm so excited about what can happen and how much weight I can loose if I'm able to stick to it.

I'm starting out pretty easy since we have been eating better for quite some time with large salads and grilled chicken and trying to cut down (not completely out) fast food and soda.

So my goal is to get through 3 days replacing 2 meals a day with 3 -16oz juices. I'm hoping that getting through this will lead into a 10 day fast with 100% juicing and then onto a 30 day fast. I can't guarantee it because after going to HEB for veggies and focusing on getting organic as much as I can...I spent $70 bucks (but also got some essentials like milk and eggs). So it may get too expensive but we will see how long all these groceries last.

this was me after a week if VBS running around chasing kids and dropping a pant size!

posted from Bloggeroid

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