Sunday, June 10, 2012

An oldie, but a goodie

In my attempt to make ruck sacks for the vbs kids that will be in my class week after next...i some how broke my Baby Lock sewing machine...or atleast mess up the timming on it. So after a few choice words and a "bobin-emergency"phone call too my mother I decided to pull out my old Singer 301 sewing machine. I had snapped the cord for the presser I thought but I think the sewing farry came by some time and fixed it because I could not find the broken spot in the wire.

Thank God too because I have sew much to do before vbs starts up. :p

In making the straps for the sacks I realized that I had forgotten how much I love sewing on this machine. It is incredibaly fast and strong and sews really straight lines (without the other presser will only sew a straight

And there is some thing about these old all metal sewing machines...the sound is like music. None of that clickity-clackity like the plastic offence to my baby lock which I love. But the sound of a 50+ year old machine is like music. And the, the age and grease and metal on metal creates a smell that instantly brought me back to my child hood and the smell of my mother sewing away at christmas time...making presents for us.

There is just no beating that experience coming rushing back at ya...

I'm pretty lucky to have been given such a treasured antique that was first my grandmothers and then my mothers and now mine...i plan on passing it down to Betsy some day ands I hope she too will appreciate it's sounds ands smells and sewing some day.

posted from Bloggeroid

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