Thursday, August 30, 2012

Polish Christmas Ornament STOP PINNING START DOING PROJECT No. 2


Polish Star Ornament

In keeping with the Stop Pinning and Start Doing project, this was my first attempt at a Polish Star Ornament. I recently saw this youtube video showing how to make this paper star. I knew it would take a while to do all those points but I had no idea how time consuming it was to do them.

In the video she says to use a sharp pencil to make the points, which I did not have (can't find a pencil sharpener to save my so I used a pen tip. It worked because I was able to wrap the end around the point, but it did leave little openings on the end of my star...unlike hers which have nice closed points. It took me a whole evening (2-3hrs) and the next morning (another 2hrs) to wrap all the points on the 10 stars that I made. Which is a little TOO much time for I can say that I will NOT be making these for Christmas presents this year (tee hee hee)! But at least I can say I mastered another craft WOO HOO!!!
Maybe with practice I would get faster and better at making the points to these Polish Star Ornaments so I may try them again but I don't think my fingers can stand another round of that right now. I think I'll stick to the double star that I made before!

Check out STOP PINNING AND START DOING Project No. 1 Double Star

Check out my Pinterest page for Paper/Origami to see some of the other paper crafts that I have and will be making with my Stop Pinning and Start Doing challenge. I plan on making the most of my fall break from school by going wild on crafting, home making, child raising and family loving adventure!


Stop Pinning And Start Doing Challenge! Project No. 1 Double Star

Paper Stars
Double StarCheck out the tutorial on how to make these by clicking on the picture.
Double Star

Stop Pinning and Start Doing! 

Project No. 1

Double Star

So last week I decided to start a STOP PINNING AND START DOING project.

I started because of the fact that my laptop was being shipped off for repair to the HP store. I'm figured without the distraction of the laptop I would be able to get more done...and I did, my house was spotless for almost a whole week, which those mommies who have/had a 3 year old would understand that, its nearly impossible to keep the house clean with a kid dropping crumbs and making messes all over the place.

I also pulled out the craft supplies and started getting ready for the new season of MOPS!

Double Star
I've been making kits for the crafts to get them all ready and organized for the year and make a few of them to use as samples. My favorite so far has been then "Give Thanks" Mini Banner```````````````````````````` and now my Double Star...

This start was so much fun to make and a lot easier than I originally thought it would...I used a Burlap 12x12 scrapbook paper that I had on hand and cut them down to 6x6 squares. I used my sizzix die framelet to measure out the sheets and the square on the inside to make the cuts.

This would be a really great project to make with kids (maybe 6+)

Check out the blog with instructions by clicking on the first picture with the yellow and green stars and check out my Pinterest page of Paper/Origami Projects to keep up with what I've been pinning.

I got my laptop back in the mail today (what I'm using to write this blog post...much easier than my cell phone) but I'm hoping to be able to keep working on the projects as I make them to STOP PINNING AND START DOING!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Give Thanks

It's been a crafty day. I've been working on all the neat crafts that were going to be doing this season in MOPS at my church.

This is a cute mini banner for Thanksgiving that well be making in November. I'm so pleased with the way its turned out and the gold aging on the edges of the ovals.

Hope your all having a great week and Enjoy!
posted from Bloggeroid

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Crazy days

Its been one if those weeks. I was determined to clean every inch of the apartment and keep it clean so I could finally craft without guilt...however dear daughter had other ideas about what it was she wanted from me.

She was a total terror this week and made it almost impossible to get anything done. But we muddled through and got more cleaned in these past five days than I have for a who year.

I have what I like to call crafters guilt. It is a condition that causes crafting women to put off the real desire to Craft and create because there is some kind of cleaning/cooking/child rearing to do before crafts can be started....I think I have it pretty bad. I refuse to pull out the "hard core" crafts till I know everything is done or I feel incredible guilty about my lack of completion...even though I would much rather be doing hand embroidery than dishes.

Sigh...but this Friday my wonderful mother and sisters said they would take the little angel spawn of mine off my hands for an evening so dear husband and I could have a date night. I was in desperate need of some alone time with DH after the many late night crying and the little ones talk of "spooky " Owl-Vacume cleaners.

Irritating -ly my wonderful spawn decided that the day that she was going to go to Grammys house was the day she would be a saint....she listened and obeyed ...for the most part...and let me get a ton of cleaning done.

My house is almost completely clean!!!! Its a miracle!

Now if I can keep it clean ill be able to beat the disease of Crafters Guilt this next week and maybe get a head start on Christmas presents. (Fingers crossed!)

Now if I can keep my precious little one from reverting back into the crazed 3 year old monster again this coming week should be really fun!!!!

Starting with a new project I started tonight of embroidering a fall/Thanksgiving wall quilt! Ill post pictures soon as I get it out of the hoop and viewable!

Till then Enjoy!

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Stop Pinning!


I'm addicted to the computer, I know it, no need to tell me...I've been peeling myself away long enough to clean the house and take care of the kiddo but I find myself stuck to the computer more than I like to admit.

So now that my HP laptop is being shipped to  abu dhabi  for repairs for two weeks....TEAR TEAR, SNIFF SNIFF! I know I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands that I'm just dying to get busy with CRAFTING!!!!

SO here is my plan!
So, I'm going to stop Pinning to Pinterest and start actually doing the crafts that I've fallen in love with!

 Now this is WAY TOO much to do in two weeks, especially all the hand embroidery. But, I'm dying to get right before I back up my  computer and pack it up in the box I decided to make one last little creation and get started on what I'm going to be doing for this two week computer break!

Since I still have a  smartphone (more like an idiot-savant phone) I'll be sharing as much as I can.

So here is a link to my Pinterest boards and maybe if you want you can follow along with me and make some of your own.

I'll post pics as I can!
Day 1: SIZZIX cutting, I need to get busy on cutting out shapes for the new MOPS craft day coming up in two weeks and then I'll have plenty to get started on for the felt crafts on pages 3-4. I think I'll probably get started on the window and wreath decorations first!

Pics coming soon!





Must stop pinning......

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Pinterest cleaning solution tip

I've been seeing a lot of pins on Pinterest about a cleaning solution of dish soap and vinegar to clean tubs and sinks.

Well I have a dingy tub...and dish soap and I tried it's!

The main ingredients are
Dawn Original dish soap and plain white vinegar.

Most if the time I see it in a spray bottle of some sort, but not having one on hand I just used an old glass jar because I didn't measure the 1to1 ratio...I'm terrible about just "eye balling it" that it had a little too much vinegar so it was too liquid and not enough jell consistency.

But I tried it on two places a ceramic topped stove...
And my tub!

I have a hard time with my stove top because it is really finiky about what can be used to clean it...but I usually use 409 or just soap and water. As you can see I have a lot of burnt on stuff.

RESULTS : A bust! It did get off the slightest bit of burnt on stuff from dinner last night but the old stains are still there.

So I tried the tub...

BEFORE- Just a little dingy...can't see it in the pic that well.
This is the before
And the during...

Dawn and Vinegar on the tub, sat for close to 4 hours.

And after...


You can see where it sat and really brightens the tub to almost new condition. It says to let it sit for an hour but I let it sit longer, almost 4hrs. (Got busy with dinner)
But all I had to do was rub it down with water and a rag and DONE!

I'm for sure going to get a spray bottle and do my sinks and the walls and doors of the shower. I'm so glad it worked because I HATE scrubbing tubs!

posted from Bloggeroid

baby blues and minis | MADE

baby blues and minis | MADE:

'via Blog this'

I have a bunch of friends at church with babies due soon! I can't wait to start making some of these for there little ones coming soon!

Come to think about it...this would be great for Betsy, just increase the size and VUWALA!



Saturday, August 18, 2012

Dr. Who and McKenzie Childs Scrapbook Pages

Ive been a busy girl!
Been working on some Digital scrap booking pages that would BLOW YOUR MIND! LOL!

My DH has taken me to the dark side with Dr. Who and has me crazy about the show. In Honor of the premier tonight I made this scrapbook page for my Dear Husband.
It is a 12x12 digital scrapbook page with a red DALEK and of course it wouldn't bee Dr. Who without the TARDIS!

My favorite designer is McKenzie and Childs. I'm totally in love with there designs and had to make a scrapbook page with a NOD to there designs. So here is my first set of M&C designs.
It is a 12x12 scrapbook page that will be editable on MS Word with no photo shop or photo editing skills or design needed to customize.


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Roses are Red...Violets are Blue...Paper Flowers sure are cute!

Check out my latest ETSY listing I've been working on. These flowers are so much fun to cut, glue/tape and enjoy! They are fun little Pop Up Flowers that can be used for pretty much any kind of decoration and activity (that calls for flowers that is!).

I've been so busy trying to get them printed assembled and photographed that I havn't gotten around to using them for some crafts that have been rolling around in my head...I'm just dying to glue them onto the next baby shower girft bag or box and can you imaging an entire row of them strung accross the room in a little girls room...I can't wait to print some more and go poor husband is going to be sick of flowers by the time I'm done with these.

I can't decide if I like them "flat" or curled on the ends...they look so cute both ways...which is your favorite?


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

It's Finally Here!

I officially opened my Etsy account today! Woot!

I'm so excited about finally getting to share all the great things I've been working on!

I'm sure I will be adding more to the list as soon as they are test, photographed and I can find a moment in between my brain going crazy creating new ones.

I find myself lying in bed at night breaking down the next project that is swirling around in there!

So more to stay toned!!!!



ETSY COUPON CODE: Use the coupon code GRANDOPENING at my chop and get a 10% discount!

                                                   South*Pohler Productions ETSY Page

Monday, August 6, 2012

No TV...clean house?

Due to recent financial issues we as a family have had to really tighten up the belt and end some of the frills to save money. One of those things was Dish Network. We have lived with out satalite TV before...when Betsy was a baby we only had Netflix and a roku for all of our tv and we did just was after we moved to this apartment 2years ago that we got satalite and have become dependant on it...however this past two weeks without it has been really amazing!

I never realized how much TV we watch and time we wasted in front of the boob-tube...we have Netflix streaming and hulu which I use to catch up on a lot of my shows I don't want to miss ...but all the other silly time wasting shows are gone and I find that my time has been better spent because of it.

I actually got to cleaning and re organizing the shelves in the living room today. Something I had been planning on doing all summer long.

Though I do feel like I've done dishes about 100 times today it is nice to be on top of the chores and cleaning around here...not to mention guilt free craft time without the nagging feeling in the back of my head saying I should be cleaning instead of crafting!

Am I the only one who gets that way...?

Well anyways its looking much better around here and I feel so much better because of it!

What is the one thing that you've been planning to clean and never get to it?

Have a great night. Enjoy!

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Busy mommy

I promise I have not fallen off the face of the planet!

I've been a busy busy girl lately trying to get ready for MOPS starting in only 6 weeks and working hard to get everything open in my Etsy shop.

Above is a little Anselm preview of what has been taking up almost every spare minute I have had.

Above is the snowman gift box/decoration ...

I have also been making these beautiful Christmas light tree ornaments!

I'm so excited to get busy taking pics and showing you all what I've been working.g so hard in.

Ill post more soon...I promise!


posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Noisy Neighbor

I don't know what they are doing over there, but I'm ready to move because of my "Noisy Neighbors". My poor little girl can't seam to sleep or even take a nap in the afternoon because they are constantly playing some kind of loud noise or another. I know they must have surround sound in there living room because every weekend and now most afternoons they are rocking out to what sounds like Techno. Don't get me wrong...I love to have my music up while doing dishes and cleaning the house and I can't blame them for wanting to jam out in the afternoons or early evenings for that matter...but my GOD! 1 or 2 in the morning is reserved for quite time and sleeping not jamming out to the latest Nirvana CD or turning up the base on your suround sound system to watch a horror movie.

I finally broke down and called the land-lord...I can't handle having my whole day and night ruined because my 2 year old can't sleep and is a total mess because of it.

I'm really not sure what else I can do with a noise complain in the middle of the day but either way I'm fed up!